It includes two full example configuration files (Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini) with breakdowns of what lines can be safely modified and their performance impact, as well as what lines you should not modify. Purpose This guide will help you to configure Fallout 4 to run at a good framerate without making too many compromises.If you're unable to see a file you've previously downloaded, it may have. This mod also contains 6 archived file (s) which are unavailable to browse.

Simply extract the files, drag and drop into your Mods folder. Modlist Separators to help better organize your modlist accordingly with the guide. of 5 - Fallout 4 Config - posted in File topics: Fallout 4 Config This mod gives you information about ini changes for better graphics.Otherwise, it will only impact your performance and may also lead to frequent crashes. However, the changes need to be made in accordance with the hardware specifications. Making changes to your game's Fallout4prefs.ini file from the game folder is common among many Fallout 4 players. Disable FleX entirely by adding the following lines to fallout4custom.ini : bNVFle圎nable=0 bNVFlexInstanceDebris=0 bNVFlexDrawDebris=0 Fallout 4 implements a defunct version of NVIDIA FleX for weapon debris and other particle effects.By moving the inis over into Documents/My Games/Fallout4 it fixed the problem. If you have Fallout 4 installed on a separate hard drive from your C: drive then it stores the ini files on the other hard drive. Originally posted by Faendol: I Think I figured out the source of the problem.The file Fallout 4 Config Tool v.1.0 is a modification for Fallout 4, a (n) rpg game.It replaces the voice of several chars (finch, abernathy and many others) completely. Save the file to your desktop or a Fallout 4 mods folder. Pick a mod like Lowered Weapons, and click on the “Files” tab.This feature pops up at the top of the pause. There are a phenomenal amount of Fallout 4 mods out there so you will want this Mod Configuration Menu to organise them all. The Mod Configuration Menu is an in-game menu that you can access while playing Fallout 4. The Mod Configuration Menu serves as our primary device to organize our Fallout 4 files and make sure that all our new mods work perfectly.Fallout 4 requires a Radeon R9 290X graphics card with a Core i7-4790 4-Core 3.6GHz or FX-9590 processor to reach the recommended specs, achieving high graphics setting on 1080p.Springfield family law Cognizant avp salary